Have you just brought home a newborn? Your life is probably already changing in significant ways – and this blog post will help you navigate through some of those changes.
Your baby’s first 20 days can be an exciting time, but also a time where it feels like there’s so much to do! We have put together 20 tips for the first 20 Days with Your Newborn that should make things easier on both of you.
1. Women who seek help have a higher success rate.
Think of ways to ensure success before you even give birth,” suggests Stacey Brosnan, a lactation consultant in New York City.
” You can start by talking to other moms at your prenatal appointments and doing online research. Your partner should see a doctor before the birth as well, especially if he’s not had any medical care in recent years.”
This is my first tip for Your Newborn: 20 Tips For The First 20 Days! Women who seek help have a higher success rate.
Your partner should see a doctor before the birth as well, especially if he’s not had any medical care in recent years.”
2. Use hospital resources.
Kira Sexton, a Brooklyn, New York mom, says, “I learned everything I could about breastfeeding before I left the hospital.
Ask if there’s a nursing class or a lactation consultant on staff. Push the nurse-call button each time you’re ready to feed the baby and ask a nurse to spot you and offer advice.
3. Prepare.
At home, you’ll want to drop everything to feed the baby the moment she cries for you. But Heather O’Donnell, a mom in New York City, suggests taking care of yourself first.
“Get a glass of water and a book or magazine to read.” And, because breastfeeding can take a while, she says, “pee first!”
4. Try a warm compress.
if your breasts are engorged, or you have blocked ducts. A heating pad or a warm, wet washcloth works, but a flax pillow (often sold with natural beauty products) is even better.
“Heat it in the microwave, and conform it to your breast,” says Laura Kriska, a mom in Brooklyn, New York.
5. The heat helps the milk flow.
but if your breasts are sore after nursing, try a cold pack. Amy Hooker, a San Diego mom, says, “A bag of frozen peas worked well for me.
I would put it on my breasts for 20 minutes before nursing and then let the baby nurse.”
This is tip number five Your Newborn: 20 Tips For The First 20 Days! The heat helps the milk flow, but try a cold pack if your breasts are sore after nursing. Amy Hooker, a San Diego mom, says, “
6. If you want Baby to take a bottle.
introduce it after breastfeeding eventually is established but before the 3-month mark. Many experts say 6 to 8 weeks is good, but “we started each of our kids on one bottle a day at three weeks,” says Jill Sizemore, a mom in Pendleton, Indiana.
7. Stop obsessing about being tired.
There’s only one goal right now: Care for your baby. Your lack of Sleep will catch up with you eventually, so don’t worry about being tired. Your baby is worth it!
This tip, Your Newborn: 20 Tips For The First 20 Days for the first day, is number eight. Stop obsessing about being tired – there’s only one goal right now: Care for your baby; Your lack of Sleep will catch up with you eventually, so don’t worry about being tired. Your baby is worth it!
8. Take shifts.
One night it’s Mom’s turn to rock the cranky baby, the next, it’s Dad’s turn. Amy Reichardt and her husband, Richard, parents in Denver, worked out a weekend system when Richard was off from work.
“I’d be up with the baby at night but got to sleep in. Richard did all the morning care, then got to nap later.”
9. The adage “Sleep when your baby sleeps.
is the best advice. “Take naps together and go to bed early,” says Sarah Clark, a mom in Washington, D.C. Your baby won’t sleep through the night for months, but you will eventually.
This tip is number ten. Your Newborn: 20 Tips For The First 20 Days! The adage “Sleep when your baby sleeps” really is the best advice.
Take naps together and go to bed early; Your baby won’t sleep through the night for months, but you will eventually.
10. What if your infant has trouble sleeping.
Do whatever it takes: Nurse or rock baby to sleep; let your newborn fall asleep on your chest or in the car seat. “Don’t worry about bad habits yet. It’s about survival—yours!” says Jean Farnham, a Los Angeles, mom.
11. “The key to soothing fussy infants.
is to mimic the womb. Swaddling, shushing, and swinging, as well as allowing babies to suck and holding them on their sides, may trigger a calming reflex,” says Harvey Karp, MD, creator of The Happiest Baby on the Block books, videos, and DVDs.
12. Play tunes.
Forget the dubious theory that music makes a baby more intelligent, and concentrate on the fact that it’s likely to calm him. “The Baby Einstein tapes saved us,” says Kim Rich, a mom in Anchorage, Alaska.
13. Warm things up.
Alexandra Komisaruk, a mom in Los Angeles, found that diaper changes triggered a meltdown. “I made warm wipes using paper towels and a pumpable thermos of warm water,” she says. You can also buy an electric wipe warmer for a sensitive baby.
14. You’ll need other tricks, too.
“Doing deep knee bends and lunges while holding my daughter calmed her down,” says Kristin L. Adams, a mom in Fort Worth, Texas.
This is Your Newborn: 20 Tips For The First 20 Days tip number 16! Your Newborn: 20 Tips For The First Day – What if your infant has trouble sleeping?
Do whatever it takes: Nurse or rock baby to sleep; let your newborn fall asleep on your chest or in the car seat. “Don’t worry about bad habits yet. It’s about survival—yours!” says Jean Farnham, a Los Angeles, mom.”
15. Soak to soothe.
If all else fails—and Baby’s umbilical cord stub has fallen off—try a warm bath together. “You’ll relax, too, and a relaxed mommy can calm a baby,” says Emily Franklin, a Boston mom.
16. Let them be.
Many first-time dads hesitate to get involved for fear of doing something wrong and incurring the wrath of Mom.
“Moms need to allow their husbands to make mistakes without criticizing them,” says Armin Brott, author of The New Father: A Dad’s Guide to the First Year (Abbeville Press).
17. Take time off from work.
after all the relatives leave. If partners don’t get the option of parental leave through work, see if they can use vacation or sick days. That’s what Thad Calabrese of Brooklyn, New York, did.
“There was more for me to do, and I got some alone time with my son.”
18. Divvy up duties.
Mark DiStefano, a dad in Los Angeles, took over the cleaning and grocery shopping. “I also took Ben for a bit each afternoon so my wife could have a little time to herself.”
19. First, ignore unwanted or confusing advice.
“In the end, you’re the parents, so you decide what’s best,” says Julie Balis, a mom in Frankfort, Illinois. Your best bet is to learn from other parents.
This Your Newborn: 20 Tips For The First Days tip number 19! Your Newborn: 20 Tips for the First 20 days – What if your infant has trouble sleeping?
Do whatever it takes: Nurse or rock baby to sleep; let your newborn fall asleep on your chest or in the car seat. “Don’t worry about bad habits yet. It’s about survival—yours!” says Jean Farnham, a Los Angeles, mom.”
20. “Forget about housework.
for the first couple of months,” says Alison Mackonochie, author of 100 Tips for a Happy Baby. “Concentrate on getting to know your baby.
If anyone has anything to say about the dust piling up or the unwashed dishes, smile and hand them a duster or the dish detergent!”

We hope these Your Newborn: 20 tips can help you have an enjoyable experience with your new baby. Remember that it’s okay to ask for help and seek advice from other parents, but in the end, you’re the primary decision-maker when it comes to what is best for your child.
Your newborn will need lots of rest, so think about having family members come over during hours where they will most likely be awake or take time off work if possible! Enjoy Your Baby!